Catalytic Converter Theft

Catalytic Converter Theft

Catalytic converter thefts are at an all time here in Louisiana and as I would soon learn across the nation because of the high concentration of precious metals rhodium, platinum and palladium.  I was aware of the problem but felt reasonably secure since I keep the RV in a locked storage facility and have since I bought her nearly 12 years ago.  I have never had any issues out there.  

On this Friday, I came out to the RV storage facility to put my clean linens back in the rig, check on Bayou Baby and empty the dehumidifier, a weekly event here in hot and humid Louisiana.  I had finished up my tasks and was about to leave when I decided to turn on the vehicle and run it for a few minutes. I heard an awful sound like a vehicle with no muffler but did not want to believe that was what had happened.  I called my brother to let him listen and make sure before I called the sheriff's office.  I also crawled under the rig and took pictures and video.  It just made me sick to know that I had been the victim of crime.  I have been out there many times by myself working on things in the RV or getting it ready for an upcoming trip.  

I called the local sheriff's department and they sent two units out to the storage facility.  They checked other RVs and found several others with missing catalytic converters.  I learned that motorhomes with diesel engines are not targeted, just those with gasoline engines like mine.  They began calling the other owners to notify them.  I left after they took all the information I could give them.  I am attaching a video of what it sounds like and what it looks like.  

I started an insurance claim and learned since it was theft it was covered under my comprehensive coverage.  I went to a muffler shop to get a quote for the insurance company and found out that all things considered I was a lucky one.  Some thieves also cut gas lines and brake lines by mistake rendering the vehicle undriveable and with post-Covid shortages wait time for repairs can be extremely long.  My RV was driveable and so I did drive it down to the muffler shop.  It was so loud and the smell of gas fumes was just awful and the road of the engine made me feel like I was at the drag races!  

Here you can see up close where they cut off the catalytic converter the shiny edges are left when the thief/thieves used a Sawzall.  

This large space is where my large torpedo-style catalytic converter used to be but is no more.  

This is what it looks and sounds like when your catalytic converter is cut off of your motorhome. 



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